Rafael Cáceres Valladares

Rafael Angel Valladares Caceres Date of birth: Cienfuegos, Cuba, December 19, 1956. Specialties engraver, painter and draftsman. Professor of Printmaking and Drawing. Professional Studies: 1975-1980. National School of Fine Arts (ENA), Cubanacan, Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba. 1973-1975. Provincial School of Art (EPA), Leopoldo Romaach. Santa Clara, Las Villas. 1973. Course Instructor Emerging Art, Manacas, Santa Clara, Las Villas. Practice: 2009-2000. Printmaking Professor Provincial Art School Benny Mor, Cienfuegos. 2000-1995. Plastic artist, Printmaking Workshop attached to the Provincial Council of Plastic Arts. 1995-1992. President of the Provincial Council of Plastic Arts. 1992-1991. Director of the Art Gallery. Cienfuegos. 1991-1980. Professor of Printmaking at the School of Plastic Arts Rolando Elementary weeding. Cienfuegos. Associations we belong: Since 1986 Member of the National Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba (UNEAC) Since 1998 Member of the Society of Cienfuegos Grafica (SGC) Member of the Association of the Work Difusora Gr International Chart (ADOGI) Member of the Quota Cultural Juan Marinello.

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