Neli Nenkova
One evening I received a message from Zahra Golafshani asking me if I was interested in being a production designer for her film.
I met her in person for the first time when she picked me up. We traveled to the location where her film was to be shot weeks later. In that 60 minute drive we talked more about who we are. Though we were both born and raised in different countries, what connected us was our love to and of our new homeland - Canada. We shared some interesting moments and memories we both had experienced adjusting to the new culture. We both vocalized our gratefulness to be a part of a nation where diversity and freedom of speech are real benefits and assets. When Zahra began talking about her film her face shined. The more we talked, the similarities between us grew and we found the similarities allowed the differences to disappear. My news channel were my eyes, where cultural, social or religious conflicts didn't exist.
With her portrait, I wanted to capture the shining eyes of a young woman who dared to be herself no matter her cultural background. I wanted people to feel her all encompassing energy and her happiness and to show the dynamic time we are in and that nothing is permanent. We are all continuously progressing as a whole and as individuals. I choose these vibrant colour to represent different types of fuel. It is my personal message that the colour of our skin doesn't matter, but the colour of our soul is what makes the difference. We are all travellers and explorers, gratefully able to see that beauty is everywhere. We are all the driving force that moves this world ahead. Let the journey continue.