Patti Emmerson – “As I See It” Gallery
As I See It – new acrylic paintings by Patti Leishman
Her paintings speak to the beauty and abstract rhythms of life—in them she captures the artistry of the everyday, as she sees it.
Audio Interview with Patti Emmerson
Studio interview with Patti Emmerson
Patti Emmerson is bursting with energy as she invites me into her home. She speaks with her hands and greets me with a smile on her face which truly sets the tone as I enter the small room that acts as her studio. The floors are splattered with paint and the walls are covered with […]
Patti Emmerson – Trip the Light
Patti Emmerson Trip the Light New Abstract Acrylics June 14 to July 13, 2014 “trip the light” : to “trip the light fantastic” is to dance nimbly or lightly, or to move in a pattern to musical accompaniment. It is often used in a humorous vein. To dance, especially in an imaginative or ‘fantastic’ manner. […]