Barry Blunden
Anyone who strolls down Princess and King street and through the back courtyards of downtown Kingston is already familiar with the works of Barry Blunden. Without realizing it, residents and visitors alike have been delighted by the hanging laundry and grasshopper in the Brock Street Commons, the pelican and gargoyle along King street on the Whig and Masonic buildings and the rooster standing outside the Golden Rooster itself. Even the beautiful detailing along many of downtown’s most iconic buildings belongs to Blunden. Born in, and named for Barryfield, Blunden is a part of Kingston’s history not only in legacy but in his longstanding contributions to the aesthetic of the town.
Blunden himself describes the durability and longstanding nature of the material used in his work. Joking that his pieces will one day be seen on the antique roadshow, the serious longevity of his craft becomes clear. Just like Kingston itself, Barry Blunden’s pieces have a long standing history behind them and a new history waiting ahead of them.

Available Artwork
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- Not Available