Romancing the Poem
by Teri Wing
May 10th – June 3rd
Decapitated heads, protruding eyeballs, dismembered corpses and boxes of teeth are perhaps not the first images the mind conjures up when recalling children’s bedtime stories. While many are lulled to sleep by the charming tales of Beatrix Potter, it was the evocative writings of Edgar Allan Poe read to her as a child by her father that stirred the mind and completely captured the imagination of artist Teri Wing. These strong visual memories from early childhood triggered by Poe’s poems of mystery and torment served as a catalyst in Wing’s creative journey, stimulated the ongoing cultivation of her craft and influenced the trajectory of her artistic development.
With this brand new body of work, Teri Wing bring’s the master of macabre’s dark romantic prose to canvas in her second solo show with Studio22. As an artist that has always had a fascination with the inner workings of the human mind, Wing’s latest exhibit, takes the viewer into a world that goes beyond appearances and visually captures the dark side of imagination. The exhibit agitates and excites. It is no wonder Wing so fondly treasures the memories of terror that lurk beneath the deceptively beguiling book covers of Edgar Allan Poe.
“Strange and unexpected things wake up your mind. The wilder and more extraordinary the image, the more pleasure we gain from it. We are attracted to things that interest our curiosity more than fanciful things, they open up and stir your mind with new images and a way of thinking.” –Teri Wing
Preview and presale for this exhibit will take place Tuesday, May 10th and Wednesday, May 11th. Exhibit opens to the general public for purchasing on Thursday, May 12th.
Opening Reception, with live music, will take place on Thursday, May 12th from 7-9pm. The artist will be in attendance. Masks are required while inside the gallery
The Exhibition
- Sold
- Not currently available
- Not available online
- On Lease
- Not Available
Artist Statement
Poem by Teri Wing
When I was a child, and nighttime fell, I’d hurry to bed, I remember it well.
Get in, cover up, Dad turned out the light, close your eyes now, keep them shut tight.
He read with a voice that was deep and low, saying the words with smoothness and flow.
No not the nursery rhymes of the usual kind, something more chilling to stir up your mind.
All entranced, with eyes open wide and mouth agape, visions and images were taking their shape.
Mysteries, torment, and frightening things too, the lines in the poems all came into view.
Unbelievable things of nightmares and dreams, this was a constant in all of his themes.
Ravens and castles and the mist of a ghost, these were the ones that I loved the most.
At the days end was a favorite time, getting the book for a wonderful rhyme.
I have the book still, one you never outgrow, the stories and poems of Edgar Allan Poe.
Artist Biography
Teri Wing is an artist living in Gananoque, Ontario. Prior to being represented by Studio22, Wing sold her art independently from her home studio. Inspired and excited by dramatic lighting, the artist paints with oils using palette knife and flat brush as well as cold wax as a medium to add layers and textures.
Wing first joined Studio22 as a represented artist in February of 2019 and had her first solo ‘Counterpart’ in February of that same year. Today she is one of the gallery’s best selling artists. Wing volunteers giving art classes at her local Center for Community Living for people with mental and physical challenges.