Robert Blenderman
Robert Blenderman has been painting for over 50 years, often making his beloved adopted home of Kingston the subject. Working predominantly in oils, his vast body of work ranges from classical realist and impressionist still lives and landscapes to pure abstraction. He was born near Cologne, Germany in 1934. He is self-taught.

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Artist Statement:
I think a Painter paints best what he thinks about the most. For me that is objects and present surroundings. I always thought of Kingston as the jewel that was unknown to the rest of Canada. It had that kind of character that builds over time…
I love Kingston…I resonate with it, I feel a rapport with it all…the old town…the building, the alleyways, the old churches…it’s the textures of the red brick and the limestone. Kingston has always had a quality that really appealed to me…not in a pretty sense. Like landscape…its beauty comes from its ruggedness, its power to face time, its colours and of course the water and the light…